96% of foster youth want to attend college but fewer than 11% obtain a bachelor’s degree - Journal of College Access
26% of foster youth have experienced homelessness before age 21 - National Youth in Transition Database March 2023
30% of foster youth have experienced incarceraton before age 17 - National Youth in Transition Database March 2023
By age 19, only 58% of foster youth receive a high school diploma or GED - - National Youth in Transition Database March 2023
By age 21, 45% reported not having full- or part-time employment - National Youth in Transition Database November 2019
47% of foster youth received special education services - National Education Datasheet 2018

In the 2021-22 school year, 46.5% of CA foster youth students in K-12 were chronically absent compared to a rate of 29.9% for non-foster students. - California Department of Education Data Quest
Foster youth change placements an average of 1.5x per year before the age of 18 - The Role of Contextual Factors in EFC Participation & Human Capital Outcomes, 2023
In the 2021-22 school year, 56% of foster youth in California did not meet the standard for the English Level CAASPP test and 69% did not meet the standard for the Math CAASPP test - California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
- 44.2% of foster youth in California report experiencing some level of justice system involvement before the age of 17 - Chapin Hall Research Brief September 2020