While most college students count on their parents and loved ones for money, encouragement, and support, foster youth in college feel like there's no one in their corner. That's when our coaches come in.

We help them navigate a new phase.
For most young people, turning 21 is a celebratory moment. For our foster youth, their 21st birthday can be bittersweet because it's also when they age out of the system. Many end up struggling to make ends meet, and face housing and food insecurity shortly after exiting the system. Our post-secondary coaches support these young people's transition into adulthood by making sure they have the very basics, like a safe place to live and access to a hot meal each day.
We are on campus.
Pivotal has partnerships with many community colleges in the area: DeAnza, Foothill, San Jose City, Evergreen, West Valley, Mission, and Gavilan. Our post-secondary coaches are experts at navigating the admissions, enrollment, and financial aid processes at each community college. They make it easy for youth to meet on campus and connect them to resources that are geared to students who need extra support.
We help them get a job.
Our coaches specialize in both education and employment. They work in tandem with our business development team to match our college students to summer internships and employment opportunities that speak to their passions and build valuable job experience.
My coach connected me with a tutor who worked with me 'til I got everything right.