The Meaning of a Care Package

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It’s that time of year -- the smell of roses are in the air and the sound of jewelry jingles surround us. It’s time to spread the love -- but not only on Valentine’s Day and not only to your sweetie!
The college and high school experience has been overwhelming for many young people this past year. While clinging to the support of family during difficult times is second nature to most, many foster youth simply don’t have that luxury.
There’s nothing more encouraging or comforting than receiving a goodie bag filled with your favorite things during tough moments. To help show foster youth that we’ve got their back and that we’re rooting for their success, Team Pivotal is working hard to organize more College and High School Care Package Drives.
We are so grateful for the ongoing support from The Junior League of San Jose who has already donated 100 care packages, helping us get one third of the way to our goal of 300! We are now calling out to you -- our community -- to donate 200 more care packages for college and high school youth. All you need is a group large enough to provide at least 10 care packages and someone to serve as the group coordinator -- a fun and meaningful way for corporate teams, book clubs, and volunteer groups to support this special group of young people.
The most meaningful part? Each volunteer receives a completed “about me” questionnaire, allowing them to get to know and shop for a specific student to brighten up their day with candy, snacks, activities, and other favorites!
Just look what scholar Miguel had to say after receiving his care package in December:
Dear Nina, Pivotal and Friends,
Thank you for brightening up my holiday season. I love and appreciate all the thought that was put into this special gift. All my favorite things and a great mask that I will put to good use. It’s been a strange semester and I miss coming to the Pivotal office. Feels good to know you are still rooting for me and my success at SJSU.
With gratitude,
We’re hoping to secure 200 commitments by the end of February; please help us blow that goal out of the water! Whether you’re interested in learning more about the process or are ready to get your group started, please reach out to Priya Mistry at or 408-484-6210.